Portraits of Wildflowers

Perspectives on Nature Photography

Archive for November 5th, 2012

More color changes not triggered by cold

with 13 comments

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In the last post you saw the way a croton leaf can turn bright yellow (and be occupied by a bearer of green). Now here’s a detail of a no-longer-green leaf of the greenbrier vine, Smilax bona-nox, whose stiff and waxy leaves have a tendency to turn partially or mostly brown, yellow, orange, and even red. As far as I can tell, the change isn’t triggered specifically by cold, because I’ve seen individual greenbrier leaves turning these colors at various times of the year. I photographed this particularly bright one on the warm morning of October 17th in the northeast quadrant of US 183 and Mopac in Austin, where thousands of cars go by every hour.

For those of you who are interested in photography as a craft, points 1, 9, 12 and 15 in About My Techniques are relevant to this photograph.

Written by Steve Schwartzman

November 5, 2012 at 6:14 AM