Portraits of Wildflowers

Perspectives on Nature Photography

Archive for May 28th, 2024

The human element

with 21 comments


Our recent trip took us through parts of northwest Texas and the “vertical” southeast fringe of New Mexico. People use the land there primarily for three things: to extract oil from underground, and to grow crops and raise animals on the surface. Most of the land in that region is flat, flat, flat, and apparently well suited for agriculture, as you see from the furrows in the orange-brown earth in the top picture. In the second view, whimsical me couldn’t help playing up the similarity between the cumulus clouds overhead and the shredded white plastic sheets skewered on a barbed-wire fence.



And speaking of whimsy, who’d’ve expected to find a large stone sculpture like the one below in someone’s front yard? All three pictures come from northeast of Hobbs, New Mexico, on May 13th.





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In a mandatory course on “structural racism” for first-year medical students at the University of California Los Angeles, a guest speaker who has praised Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel led students in chants of “Free, Free Palestine” and demanded that they bow down to “mama earth,” according to students in the class and audio obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Lisa “Tiny” Gray-Garcia, who has referred to the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks as “justice,” began the March 27 class by leading students in what she described as a “non-secular prayer” to “the ancestors,” instructing everyone to get on their knees and touch the floor—”mama earth,” as she described it—with their fists.


That’s the beginning of another article by Aaron Sibarium about the madness infecting UCLA’s medical school. You can read more of the bizarre details.



© 2024 Steven Schwartzman







Written by Steve Schwartzman

May 28, 2024 at 4:08 AM