Portraits of Wildflowers

Perspectives on Nature Photography

Archive for May 17th, 2024

More from along Interstate 35 north of Austin

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Here’s more from along Interstate 35 in Georgetown on April 29th. The top view shows Engelmann daisies (Engelmannia perestenia), firewheels (Gaillardia pulchella), and three “globes” of antelope horns milkweed (Asclepias asperula).




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Yesterday’s post included an excerpt from a 1947 hearing in the U.S. House of Representatives. The witness was Ayn Rand. Born Alissa Rosenbaum, she, like my father, grew up under the tyranny of the Soviet Union and managed to escape and come to the United States in the mid-1920s. Now fast forward a century from their arrival:


A young woman was filmed at a New York University anti-Israel protest over the weekend praising North Korea’s support for Palestinians and their “shared struggle” against oppressors — with the “deranged” and “deluded” viral clip sparking fierce backlash online.

The footage, which was shared on X by the @thestustustudio account and has already been viewed more than 2 million times — showed the unidentified woman giving an apparent “teach-in” Saturday about North Korea’s solidarity with Palestinians.

“They have always upheld the right of Palestinian people to self determination and resistance and this is beyond moral and rhetorical support,” said the woman, who the original poster identified as a student, of North Korea — which has been ruled by a ruthless dicatorship for decades.


That’s the beginning of a May 6th New York Post article, which you can read in full. The woman—who of course hid behind a mask—is so delusional that she thinks North Korea, the most repressive régime in the world today, is an exemplar of freedom and justice.



© 2024 Steven Schwartzman







Written by Steve Schwartzman

May 17, 2024 at 4:08 AM