Portraits of Wildflowers

Perspectives on Nature Photography

Archive for July 23rd, 2023

Woody tangles

with 11 comments


In the Upper Bull Creek Greenbelt on July 13th I saw a tangle of mustang grape vines (Vitis mustangensis).
A week later in Great Hills Park I photographed the erosion-exposed base of an oak tree on a cliff. As has occasionally been true for the pictures you’ve seen here, I took both of today’s with my iPhone.





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After I prepared yesterday’s commentary I became aware of mathematician and journalist Helen Joyce’s dialogue with Megyn Kelly on July 19. Here’s the blurb describing the 100-minute interview:

Megyn Kelly is joined by Helen Joyce, author of “Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality,” to talk about how trans activists are changing the language to redefine women, the silencing of women’s safety concerns, the dangers of allowing the opposite sex into single-sex spaces, why all-gender spaces are actually less dangerous, how social media censorship is key to trans activism, the capture of children medical agencies in America, why America’s polarization makes the problem worse, Biden administration official Rachel Levine once saying how glad he was to have had kids and transition later in life, now saying kids should be able to transition during puberty, what autogynephilia is and how it relates to some transgender people, Asa Hutchinson’s misinformed statement about “gender-affirming care,” celebrities bragging about their “trans” and “queer” kids, the “emotional blackmail” on the issue of “gender affirming care” related to suicide, what the reality of suicide within the trans community really is, and more.

If you have the time, it’s worth watching.


© 2023 Steven Schwartzman




Written by Steve Schwartzman

July 23, 2023 at 4:33 AM

Posted in nature photography

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