Portraits of Wildflowers

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Archive for June 19th, 2023

Pollinator Week

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The alliterative Pollinator Partnership (“Protect their lives. Preserve ours.”) has declared June 19–25 Pollinator Week. In that spirit, here from May 30th in Pflugerville come two insect pollinators. The first is a metallic green sweat bee on a square-bud primrose flower (Oenothera berlandieri). The other shows a hoverfly after it had stopped hovering and landed on an opening basket-flower (Plectocephalus americanus). 






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Australia’s vast wildernesses are famous for many things, but rock art, specifically one of the largest concentrations of rock art known in the world, isn’t typically one of them.

West Arnhem Land in the Queensland Peninsula hosts an incredible painted record of Man’s relation to his planet, its changes, challenges, and bounty, but a completely new rock art style covering 4,000 years of history shows Aboriginal Australians adapting to the transformation of Arnhem land into the lush riverine environment it is today.

The total collection of painted rock art in West Arnhem Land has been dated to a span of 30,000 years, stretching from just a few centuries ago to back within the last ice age. However, the period between 8,000 BCE and 4,000 BCE was seemingly absent from the variety of images painted onto the sandstone.


So begins an article on the Good News Network titled “Newly Discovered Rock Art Panels Depict How Ancient Ancestors Envisioned Creation and Adapted to Change.” Check it out to learn more.


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© 2023 Steven Schwartzman




Written by Steve Schwartzman

June 19, 2023 at 4:23 AM